Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Your Custom Smooth Jazz Station - ChiTownSmoothJazz.com

I'm still new to ChiTownSmoothJazz.com, so every day I'm still learning about the neat little features that come with listening to music on the internet, as opposed to traditional terrestrial radio. I'd like to share them with you, because I have a feeling that, as I did, you'll find them to be a major enhancement to your listening experience here.

First of all, unlike your previous experience (at 95.5), you can actually skip tracks. Let's see traditional radio do that! On the page that pops up with information on the song that's currently playing, go down to the row with the Volume control, about two-thirds of the way down the page. See the double arrow button? Click on it, and you'll be able to move directly to the next track, whether or not the track that's currently playing is through.

Second, if you run your mouse over the name of the artist, the system will allow you to delete all future selections by that artist. And if you happen to change your mind, no problem. Just click on the "Artist List" tab above the title of the song, and you can return that artist to an active position in the rotation.

Third, let me introduce you to our newest feature, "Rate this Song," where you can evaluate every track you hear at ChiTownSmoothJazz.com on a one to five star scale. You can give us your immediate feedback on any track we play.

As a ChiTownSmoothJazz.com listener, you'll be able to customize the playlist in ways you never imagined when you were tuned to 95.5. Take advantage of the power you have!

I'll be back anytime we add new features to the site to let you know about them.

Rick O'Dell

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